Having the right documents to hand will help speed up your application.

When you apply for a current account with us, we’ll need proof of identity and proof of your address. As an international student, we accept letters from your university that confirm your term time address.

Your university letter must be from a recognised university, and you must be living at the address on the letter. We’ll need to be able to match your student housing address to the address in your application. If you’re living in a flat, or room number is needed, you’ll need to follow this format:

Line 1: Flat or Room 1
Line 2: 12 Smithe Street
Line 3: Optional
Post Town: Glasgow
Postcode: G1 1AA

We can also accept a tenancy agreement, as long as it is from a solicitor, housing association, local council or letting agency. We can’t accept a private agreement between you and the landlord.

Your tenancy must have already started, and last for a minimum of six months. So for example if today is the 24th August, we wouldn’t be able to accept a tenancy agreement that starts any date after the 24th August.

How we can support you

Worried about money?

If you’re struggling with money and might need more support than usual, talk to us. Our Customer Service team is here to provide dedicated support to help you deal with the unexpected.

Better ways to budget

Read advice from the experts on budgeting, saving and organising your money. Whatever your circumstances, taking charge will help you feel in control.

Time to tackle your debt?

If you have debt concerns, get in touch. Especially if there’s been a change in your circumstances that could impact your repayments.

Big life changes

If you need to change your details due to an exciting life event (such as moving overseas) or inform us of an account holder’s bereavement, our Customer Service team can help.

How can Starling support?

We go above and beyond when it comes to customer service, especially if you're going through a difficult time. Our Specialist Support team is on hand to help.

Budget Planner

Helping you manage your money.

In challenging times, spending knowledge is power.

The Starling budget planner brings your finances into focus, so you know where to cut back – or carry on. Understand where your money goes, so you can set realistic budgets to stay in control, and get closer to your saving goals.

Start budgeting now

Tools for transparency

With a rising cost of living, it’s never been more important to see your money clearly. We’re making sure you can, with:

Spending Insights

Get up close and personal with your spending habits – now customisable by date range with 58 categories. Keep tabs on rising costs and see exactly where your money is going.

Bills Manager

Set up a Saving Space for all your essential spending to ring-fence your bills. Is it time to scrap those won’t-be-missed subscriptions? Tally them up in Bills Manager – then decide.

Saving Spaces

Try the digital ‘envelope method’ by dividing up essential spending into Spaces – that could be petrol or household bills. Consider these virtual money pots a safer, smarter alternative to cash stuffing.

Instant spending notifications

See exactly what you’re spending and what’s left. We notify you instantly everytime you pay for something, giving you a real-time balance – and peace of mind.

See all Starling app features
More FAQs

Contact Starling

If you’re an existing customer, the fastest way to contact us is via the Starling app. Log into your app, tap the menu icon in the top right corner, tap ‘Help’ and then ‘Talk to Starling’. You’ll then have these options:

Chat with us – start a live chat session

If it’s not urgent, send us a message – type and send your query and our team will respond as soon as possible

Can’t access the app? Find out what to do if you’ve lost your phone or have been locked out of it.

Contact page