Starling Marketplace

Connect to a world of smart financial products

Starling marketplace app screen and partners

The Starling Marketplace brings together a world of financial products to help you manage your money better. From mortgage and insurance providers to smart pension tools, we’ve hand picked a selection of third-party products that work with your Starling app.

Choose the ones that work for you and enjoy an overview of your financial life from every angle – and control of your money like never before.

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Service categories

Put your money to work

With the likes of Wealthify, investments are much simpler. Put money aside in an ISA and track your investment account balance from within your Starling app.

Get insured

Life’s full of surprises, so make sure you’re always ready to take them on. Mobile, life and home insurance are all available via the Starling Marketplace. Providers include Anorak and So-Sure.

Reward yourself

Receipts pile up, store cards disappear – shopping can be hard work. But with our partners Tail, you can track receipts, collect points and even access rewards and cashback offers from your favourite retailers.

Buy a home

So, you’ve found the perfect home – now for the mortgage. Habito, the online mortgage broker, searches the market and finds the best deals for you. Finding the perfect mortgage doesn’t get much easier than that.

Boost your credit

If you rent, boosting your credit score can take time – which isn’t always something you’ve got. With CreditLadder, you can add monthly rent payments to your Experian credit history, giving you a better chance of getting better deals on things like mortgages and loans.

Services currently available

We select a range of third - party providers on the market -including cutting edge fintechs like PensionBee


The fact that Anorak is available through Starling is great. It’s ideal for me as I work all over the country. Being able to access Anorak on my phone, via the Starling app, made it quick, easy and very useful.”

Mark, Anorak Customer

How it works


Pick and choose which services you’d like to link to your bank account. And, because you can add (or remove) partners at any time, your Marketplace can be adapted as your needs change.

Save time

Because we already have your personal details, with your permission, we can often fill in sections of the application forms for you – so you don’t need to enter all your information.

Open banking

To get technical for a second, the Starling Marketplace is made possible by Application Programming Interfaces or APIs. These let you share your data securely with trusted providers and in real-time, allowing you to move between applications more seamlessly.


All our partners have been thoroughly vetted and they can only access the personal information and transactions you consent to. So you’re always in control and can withdraw permission at any time.

The Starling Promise

We make sure you don’t pay more for products on the Starling Marketplace than you would by going direct to our partners. It’s what we call the Starling Promise.

Apply for a Starling current account today and enjoy app-based banking at its best.

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